
The Music Lesson: A Spiritual Search for Growth Through Music


The story of a struggling young musician who wanted music to be his life, and who wanted his life to be great. Then, from nowhere it seemed, a teacher arrived. Part musical genius, part philosopher, part eccentric wise man, the teacher would guide the young musician on a spiritual journey, and teach him that the gifts we get from music mirror those from life, and every movement, phrase, and chord has its own meaning...All you have to do is find the song inside.

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

Key Takeaways

  1. The most surefire way towards personal growth is to share with others 
  2. Don’t worry so much about what is true or right. Worry about what you’ve learned, what you’ve gotten out of it
  3. Just like you can tune your mind to find a certain color, you can tune your mind to recognize and spot other patterns 
  4. 10 key elements of music
    1. Notes 
    2. Articulation
    3. Technique
    4. Feel
    5. Dynamics
    6. Rhythm 
    7. Tone
    8. Phrasing - all sounds and physical movements cause physical vibrations which alter our space and people’s reaction to us 
    9. Space - rest or silence is as important as the notes. You cannot have music without space 
    10. Listening - only through the power of listening can you truly know anything 
  5. All the music ever played is still “out there", as is all knowledge. All you have to do is tap into it. You must know that you already know everything and just need to tap into it
  6. Intention is everything. Intention + emotion can accomplish anything
  7. The most powerful musicians, the most powerful people overall, are those that can let people freely express themselves 
  8. The only time you fail is when you change your mind
  9. Music, like all things, is vibration. 
  10. All experiences are ordinary. It is up to you add that extra. You miss much by not being present 
  11. Anyone can play music but it is the only the master that can allow music to play them
  12. What is more dangerous to a person: success or failure?
  13. Music is related to everything - especially nature and language - but in order to play it naturally we have to become part of it

What I got out of it

  1. Out there but a fun description of the spiritual path towards mastery - in this case, music, but relevant to any pursuit at a high level

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