The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.
Key Takeaways
- Advertisements are very consciously and specifically designed to play into our subconscious. Everybody does it and its interesting to know some of the tools they use
- Sex sells. Its a famous saying for a reason
- Be aware of what or why an ad draws you in
- Really interesting how open and influenced our subconscious can be. Every image or ad is aimed towards your subconscious, not your conscious, when they're trying to sell their products
- "Don't tell a person what to do -that will cause resistance and hostility- rather tell them what or who they are and they will eat out of your hand"
- Never forget the con in confidence and sin in sincere
- Conscious and subconscious motivations lie behind every form of human communication
- The subconscious is often in direct opposition to what the conscious wants
- Primary motive for American media - control and maintain their audiences in order to keep or gain their advertising money
What I got out of it:
- I am now much more aware of the many tools and tricks ads can employ in order to gain your much sought after attention. A fascinating read and one I would definitely recommend if you are even just remotely interested in the subconscious and how it can be molded and influenced