
The Mastery of Love


Don Miguel Ruiz again lays out extremely powerful principles in a simple and easy to follow way. As with his other books, what he preaches is easy to say but difficult to follow. By truly loving yourself, you open yourself up to happiness and love from others.  

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

Key Takeaways
  1. Have to love yourself before you can truly love anyone else
  2. The perfect woman/relationship is one where you do not want or need to change your partner nor they you
  3. You love yourself and because of this, you have no false pretenses about yourself or who you are. You are completely happy and satisfied being completely alone but sharing moments is also nice
  4. In your heart is all the love you'll ever need. It can create any amount of love - not just for yourself, but for the entire world. You can love unconditionally and this will attract everyone
  5. What makes you truly happy is love coming out of you
  6. Be generous with your love. Generosity opens all doors
  7. Your reactions are the key to having a wonderful life
  8. Your life is a manifestation of your personal dream. Become a dream master
  9. Becoming aware is about being responsible for your own life
  10. One's true mission in life is to make yourself happy
What I got out of it:
  1. An amazingly profound book which has also been extremely influential in the way I think about myself and my relationships with others. Highly recommend

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