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Newsletter Archive

June – August 2017

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

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The Rabbit Hole by Blas Moros 
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My monthly newsletter covers the books I have read over the course of the month, the challenges I undertook as well as some other interesting articles, blog posts, interviews, tools, hacks, etc. 

After nearly 4 months of travel, I have settled down and started a new chapter of my life in Los Angeles. I couldn't be more excited about this new opportunity and if you have any recommendations - from people to meet to restaurants to experiences - please share!

My travels took me first to Nepal for a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat, nearly 3 weeks in India (DelhiVaranasiAgraJaipur and Jaisalmer), a week in Iceland with my family, 3 weeks seeing extended family and friends in Sweden, a week in Israel with my sister and a 2-week road trip with my brother from South Bend to LA, seeing 9 national parks.

I learned and experienced so much in these 4 months and am so grateful to have had the opportunity to make this happen. I learned and gained clarity and conviction about myself, my goals, my weaknesses, my strengths, my intentions, my priorities and more in Nepal; the generosity of the people in India and her amazing culture and heritage blew me away; the raw beauty of Iceland is something to behold; the historical and religious context in Israel is impressive; and, lastly, the natural beauty of the US is awe-inspiring. 

While I'm now back to reality, these experiences, acquaintances, memories and learnings will stay with me forever.

This newsletter is a bit different in that it is a compilation of these last several months. I tried to do some reading for each new place I visited to get some sense for the history and context but overall I read some classic works of fiction, wanted to dive into the power of intention after the meditation retreat, and continued learning about scale, platforms and network effects.  



Full list of books read in 20172016, 2015, 2014

Any book, which is at all important, should be immediately re-read


Teacher's Reference Guides

  • The current rabbit hole is still Paul Graham and his essays. So, so good. There's a ton to be taken away from his multi-disciplinary take on startups, business, dealing with people, learning, competition, etc...


Monthly Challenges

  • Pareto Spring Cleaning
  • 10-Day Silent Vipassana Meditation Retreat
  • Learn how to whistle loudly with fingers - not quite there yet....
  • Train with the STAmina app - a shorthand version of Wim Hof's breathing exercises
  • Review my quarterly journal entries to see where time was well spent, where it was wasted, what I learned, what surprised me and how these are all helping or hindering me in reaching my goals




Amor Fati



"Fools ignore complexity. Geniuses remove it." - Alan Perlis

In the Latticework, we've distilled, curated, and interconnected the 750+book summaries from The Rabbit Hole. If you're looking to make the ideas from these books actionable in your day-to-day life and join a global tribe of lifelong learners, you'll love The Latticework. Join us today.