- "The Keys"
- The call to adventure
- Refusal of the call
- Meeting the mentor
- Crossing the threshold
- Tests
- Approaching the innermost cave
- Ordeal
- Reward / bliss
- The road back
- Resurrection
- Master of two worlds
- Monomyth - all stories from all cultures are basically the same since they try to convey universal truths and how the human experience is reflected as part of our larger universe
- The desire for humans to explains leads to myths, heroes, religions, science
- Mythology is everywhere the same regardless of the surface costumes they may wear
- All neurotics are either Oedipus or Hamlet. Father or mother is the perceived enemy of the child
- Dreams bubble up and anthropomorphize issues we are dealing with. There is much noise but it can provide insight as well
- Nuclear unit of the monomyth lies in going away, initiation and return
- Regrets are illuminations made too late
- Cosmogonic Cycle - the creation and destruction of the universe. Universe begins as amorphous blob until a creative force gives it shape. It is initially perfect until people create chaos, leading to the end of the world and back to a unified whole where the cycle repeats
What I got out of it
- The "master key" to storytelling. Amazing how this blueprint is found in all varieties of religions, myths, histories and other stories!