Key Takeaways
Finding your "true north", what your life and leadership is all about, will shape your leadership and give you a framework to live and make decisions by. Must often go through some turning point which transforms you into a true leader
The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.
- True North is the internal compass that guides you successfully through life. Rerpesents who you are as a human being at your deepest level. Your orienting point which helps you stay on track as a leader and it is based on what is most important to you, your most cherished values, passions and motivations, the source of satisfaction in your life
- Only when you are truly aligned with your True North are you able to lead others authentically. Nobody can be authentic by trying to emulate somebody else
- Successful leadership takes conscious development and requires being true to your life story
- The authentic leader brings people together around a shared purpose and empowers them to step up and lead authentically in order to create value for all stakeholders
- Pursuing purpose with passion; practicing solid values; leading with heart; establishing enduring relationships; demonstrating self-discipline
- Must take responsibility for your own development
- People often find motivations to lead through understanding their own stories - who they are and how to stay focused on their True North
- Need to surround yourself with people who's strengths cover your weaknesses
- Leadership happens at every stage of your life (don't let you being young deter you from leading)
- 5 types of people who lose sight of their True North - Imposters, Rationalizers, Glory Seekers, Loners, Shooting Stars
- The role of leaders is not to get other people to follow them but to empower others to lead
- Difficult experiences tend to give you empathy towards others
- Compass to help you keep on your True North
- Self Awareness - What is my story? What are my strengths and weaknesses?
- Values - What are my most deeply held values?
- Motivations - How do I balance external and internal motivations?
- Support Team - Who are the people I can count on to guide and support me along the way?
- Integrated Life - How can I integrate all aspects of my life and find fulfillment?
- When leaders know themselves well, they become comfortable in their own skin and gain self-confidence
- Must ask for truthful and accurate feedback, even if painful, in order to improve
- There is power in being vulnerable
- Loving yourself unconditionally requires compassion
- In gaining a clear awareness of who you are, you must understand your values and the principles that guide your leadership
- It is under pressure - when your success, your career, or your life hangs in the balance - that you must decide what your values are
- Brilliance comes only from exploiting your strengths
- Extremely important to make people feel respected without feeling judged
- Important to have mentors who not only make you feel good but also challenge you
- Integrating their lives is one of the leader's most difficult challenges - bring together major elements of your personal life and professional life so that you can be the same person in each environment
- Our life stories eventually become an expression of the choices we make
- You can have it all, but not all at once
- Important to work into your routine things we de-stress you - movies, reading, beach, dinners, friends, etc.
- Only when you can define what is most important in your life can you set the right priorities for your life and become an integrated leader
- Determining your passions takes a combination of introspection and real-world experiences before you can determine where you want to devote your energies. Without the understanding, you are vulnerable to jumping from one high-status role to another without every finding fulfillment
- The best index of success is longevity
- The irony is that the more power one accumulates, the less it should be used.
What I got out of it
- A good read on how to determine what you want your life to reflect - values you want to embody and how you make important decisions
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