- Competence + Character = trust
- Can build trust simply by keeping your commitments
- When you add trust, you add speed and reduce costs. Low trust is an invisible tax on everything whereas high trust pays dividends
- Strategy x execution x trust
- 5 Trust Waves
- Self-trust - credibility
- Have to start with yourself before you can hope to build and have trust with others
- Credibility made up of integrity, intent, capabilities, and results
- It's not hard to make decisions when you know what you stand for
- Integrity - keep commitments to yourself, stand for something
- Intent - genuine caring, win/win mindset
- Relationship - consistency
- Organizational - alignment
- Market - reputation
- Societal - creating value and contributing to others
- Self-trust - credibility
- 13 Key Behaviors
- Talk straight
- Demonstrate respect
- Create transparency
- Right wrongs
- Show loyalty
- Deliver results
- Get better
- Confront reality
- Clarify expectations
- Practice accountability
- Listen first
- Keep commitments
- Extend trust
- 7 taxes that arise from a lack of trust
- Redundancy
- Bureaucracy
- Policy
- Disengagement
- Turn over
- Fraud
- Churn
- 7 loyalty dividends
- Increased value
- Elevated and profitable growth
- Enhanced innovation
- Increased collaboration
- Stronger partnership
- Enhanced execution
- Heightened loyalty
- Other
- First job as a leader is to inspire trust in others. This must start with yourself - you must trust yourself before anybody else could possibly trust you
- Leadership is the ability to get results while inspiring others
- Listening is not something you can delegate
What I got out of it
- Good refresher and perspective on the importance of trust and the dividends it pays - competence + character