- Life is meant to be a series of adventures. Enjoy the good along with the bad
- The real secret of life is to carry in your heart an oasis every day, a place of rest and refreshment within you.
- Create an oasis through our thoughts. All the power we have starts with our thoughts
- Think of your inner telescope - are you making problems out to be bigger than they are?
- "Here's the ultimate secret, my boy. Once you've mastered this trick with your mind and understand the power of perspective, once you've grown enough in wisdom and knowledge of the world, you can put your inner telescope down and simply look at things as they are. And you'll know. Most things in reality are no bigger than we can handle. And that's important to remember."
- Wisdom in life is almost always about perspective. You can see problems as they truly are, think clearly and act well, even in challenging times
- Stay in the present - the past is gone and future is not yet come. Can think of future or past but only to the point it helps, not obsessively
- The purpose of any oasis is to assist in a journey. It is not the final destination
- Balance is very important. However, it is not a steady, static thing. It is ever changing
- Real balance simply means changing and redirecting our energy when the time is right. While you're doing something that's worth your time, you should do it with all your heart. Then, when the moment for change comes, you can go do something else.
- When it comes to important things, only our deepest feelings, our strongest intuitions, linked together with our highest values, can guide us well
- Plans help us accomplish worthwhile and important things
- We can't control the day, only what we make of it. We can learn from anything the world gives us
- You don't have to feel brave to be brave. It's about how you act and what you do
- When you pay attention to life, truly pay attention, many good lessons come your way. The most tempestuous things in life often carry with them the deepest and most useful lessons about our actions, our abilities
- Many things that have power for good have corresponding power for ill
- "Discipline your thoughts and feelings. Pay attention. Be alert to your surroundings and mindful of your emotions. Cultivate a keen sensitivity of what's real. Don't allow illusions about things outside you, and false feelings inside you, to blind the truth. Make sure you value the right things. Be aware of both what you know and how much you don't know."
- We are all here for a reason. We each have a mission in the world. At some point, your personal mission will present itself to you. You'll still retain the freedom to accept or reject it. It will never force itself on you.
- There are two kinds of opportunities - one for particular action and one for directions of growth
- People sometimes resist their own best future because of, primarily, some form of fear - fear of the unknown, failure, what other swill think or say or even success that they're not sure they can handle
- Trust the process of living and learning. Keep your eyes open. And be sensitive to the tug of your heart when a path that's right for you may appear.
- What do you aim to do in your life - "I'll live with as much excellence as I'm able. I'll act with kindness, compassion and love. I'll seek wisdom in all things. I'll be open and understanding. I'll honor what's in my heart. And I'll try to respect the best in others."
- There's no need to worry about your entire life. Just take care of your life as well as you can in the moment you're living it and the rest of your life will take care of itself.
- Stay in a job you love as long as you love what you're doing and think you have something distinctive to contribute
- Nobility and humility together form the path of true greatness
- Far too many people fear their own inner power and turn away from it
- Must have your "bucket" ready for when the sky opens and deep insights come to you. Must be open to new ideas, people, experiences at all times. Make sure you are not too busy to be open to inspiration
- "The best way to avoid a leaky bucket is to love wisdom in your heart, seek it everywhere, meditate on what you learn, use it all that you can, and be ready at any time to share it freely."
- Wisdom is for everyone and the greatest joy comes in giving it away
- Our deepest desires come to us as signs of who we are and what we can do
- Wisdom is unique in that the more we seek it the more we find but the more we give away the more expansive it gets. It is not just about words, but actions. An embodied art, a skilled behavior, a way of living - percolates down into habits, dispositions and inclinations of thinking, feeling and doing that will guide your path in life
- Triple Double wisdom tool kit - Prepare, perceive; anticipate, avoid; concentrate, control
- "There is a war in this world between goodness and corruption, between genuine love and untethered lust. Corruption, greed and blind desire can win a battle now and then, and can even seem to crush their adversaries. But eventually, the good and the true and the wisely guided, will prevail. Love is the greatest power of all. Only it can endure."
- Worry accomplishes nothing. Consider all likelihoods and be prepared for whatever comes
- Worry pulls us out of the present to a badly imagined scenario that's almost always wrong
- Destiny - what happens to us and what happens because of us
- 7 elements for "true success"
- A clear conception of what we want, a goal vividly imagined
- A strong confidence that we can attain this goal
- A focused concentration on what it will take to reach this achievement
- A stubborn consistency in pursuing our vision
- An emotional commitment to the importance of what we're doing
- A good character to guide us and keep us on a proper course
- A capacity to enjoy the process along the way
- Wisdom is a matter of insights and actions. Never words alone
- Embrace uncertainty as it allows you to do and become all that you most admire
- Most people don't know what they truly need because they don't know who they really are
- Appendix provides a good overview of the key lessons
What I got out of it
- A really good and insightful book on how to learn, approach life and get the most out of yourself and others