
The Energy Formula: Six Life Changing Ingredients to Unleash Your Limitless Potential


In todays fast paced world, getting more energy is constantly top of mind. In this book, the author walks through 6 steps to build your resilience and get more energy

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

Key Takeaways

  1. Nutrition
    1. It’s not just what we eat, but how we eat
    2. Replace “diet” with “lifestyle.” Diet evokes restrictions and short term fixes where what we really need is a healthy lifestyle
    3. The author recommends a Neto diet, limiting carbs to <20g per day
  2. Exercise
    1. Quality > Quantity
    2. The ideal workout regiment has 2-3x/wk of resistance training, 2x/wk HIIT, 2x/wk aerobic workouts
    3. Simply exercising is not enough. You need to keep moving throughout the day and have us few sedentary sitting hours as possible
    4. Hot/cold exposure has incredible benefits. Contrasting hot and cold showers when you do 10 seconds hot for 20 seconds cold and always in the shower with cold is available and easy to do
    5. Creatine is a no brainer. 5 g per day from CretaPure
    6. 10-20 g of collagen per day is important for most
  3. Routines
    1. A morning and evening routine is vital. What gives you energy? What helps you start the day and end the day with intention? Meditate, exercise, go outside, spend time with family, journal. The important thing is that it’s authentic to you and driven by you and not some external force
  4. Growth
    1. As we age, we need to adjust our workouts and diet to keep strong and nimble.
    2. We must continuously grow or else we’ll fall behind and it’ll be nearly impossible to catch up
    3. Part of growth is giving back and helping others
  5. Finding your tribe
    1. Long term and healthy relationships are one of the most important variables In our happiness and longevity
  6. Finding your why
    1. Truly loving yourself
  7. Other
    1. Never buy supplements with proprietary blends
    2. Important markers to gauge mitochondrial health
      1. HSCRP at or below 3mg/L
      2. Hemoglobin A1C at or below 5.5%
      3. Oxidized LDL less than 2.3 mg/DL

What I got out of it

  1. I've spent a lot of time learning about these things, so there wasn't much that was new to me, but if you're just starting this health journey, this is a wonderful 80/20 primer

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