
Cool Tools by Kevin Kelly

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

Key Takeaways
  1. The following are the areas that interested me the most and which I found interesting
  1. Health
    1. Barefoot shoes - Feiyue/Vivo
    2. Electric bikes -, golden eagle bike engine
    3. Car-free roads and other cool routes - adventure cycling, 7 great long distance bike trails without cars
    4. Book to let you never get lost - essential wilderness navigator
    5. Cheap gene sequencing - 23andme
    6. Health band - Body Media Fit Armband
    7. Become a better swimmer - Total Immersion Swimming
    8. Personal data tracker for iPhone - Rtracker
    9. Best razor - Merkur Razor
  2. Home
    1. Anything smarthome - smarthome
    2. On demand fabric printing - Spoonflower
    3. Coffee rating site and products - coffeegeek
    4. Best sous vide cooker - sous vide supreme
  3. Media
    1. KK's top 200 documentaries - True Films
    2. Instructional book on how to draw different emotions - Making Comics by Scott McCloud
    3. KK's favorite podcast - True Story
    4. Best guitar for the value - Martin OM-15 Guitar
    5. Make own handwriting a font - Myscriptfont
  4. Books
    1. Writing Tools by Roy Peter Clark
    2. Getting to Yes - William Ury, Roger Fisher
    3. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain - Betty Edwards
    4. Purple Cow - Seth Godin
    5. Free Prize Inside - Seth Godin
    6. All Marketers are Liars - Seth Godin
    7. 100 Best Business Books of All Time - Jack Covert
    8. Work Your Way Around the World - Susan Griffith
    9. Zero to One - Peter Thiel
    10. Super Memory, Super Student - Harry Lorayne
    11. Childhood's End - Arthur Clarke
    12. Whole Earth Catalog - Stewart Brand
    13. Leaves of Grass - Walt Whitman
    14. Godel, Escher and Bach - Douglas Hofstadter
    15. Ultimate Resource - Julian Simon
    16. Ultimate Resource 2 - Julian Simon
    17. Finite and Infinite Games - James Carse
    18. I Can Read That (Chinese) - Julie Sussman
    19. DIY Language Learning - Mark Rhea
    20. Survival Japanese - De Mente
    21. The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide - James Fadiman
    22. Tripology - Russell Newcombe
    23. Quran - Thomas Cleary
    24. Mind Map Book - Tony Buzan
    25. 50 Dangerous Things - Gever Tulley
    26. Take a Nap! Change Your Life - Mark Ehrman
  5. Random
  6. Learning
    1. Great courses in a number of different subjects -, Coursera, Udacity
    2. Learn how to code -
    3. General rules we should all know -
What I got out of it
  1. Amazing dedication to put together such a list of cool tools, gadgets, etc. and this is only a fraction of what is in the book. Highly recommend