Key Takeaways
There are 6 weapons of influence – RCLASS
- Reciprocation
- Commitment and consistency
- Liking
- Authority
- Social Proof
- Scarcity
Chapter 1 – Weapons of Influence
- Mother turkey and nature – proven that mother turkeys respond to the “click” sound of their chicks even if comes from an animal who is usually a predator. 6 Cialdini refers to this blind, mechanical pattern of action as click, whirrAutomatic behavior patterns make us very vulnerable as they can be taken advantage of, often without our noticingContrast Effect – same thing can seem different depending on what preceded it
- Rule of reciprocity – people will repay any favor ever done to them. Universal and even the smallest favor elicits a repayment attitudeDon’t accept anything for free, or at least realize you will feel like you owe them somethingCan use to get asymmetric favors done for you as it is uncomfortable for people to feel like they are in “debt”Mutual concession automatic too – move from big to small favor and usually other person will acquiesceRejection then retreat technique – start asking for something big and then tone down. It can still be big request, just smaller than firstReturn favors with favors, tricks deserve no favorsPeople who are surprised are more likely to complyPeople like you less if you don’t allow them to reciprocate
- People have a deep desire to remain consistent to their previous commitments. It is a central motivator of behaviorStart small and build in order to get the most out of peopleBe careful about agreeing to trivial requests as this can lead you down a dark roadA man judges himself and others by his deeds, more so than wordsAny goal you have, make sure to write it down and even share it – the more public the better (pair with Stickk)The more effort a commitment takes, the more it influences the attitude of that personActive, public, effortful behavior causes the highest commitmentFor long-term behavior change, can’t bribe, must convinceLowball technique – start with a low initial price but renege at the very endListen to stomach to know when you are in an uncomfortable situation
- People tend to determine what is correct by seeing what others think is correct. The more people you see react in a certain way, the more powerful
- Canned laughter used because it increases the audience’s humorous appreciation
- People prefer to say yes to requests as it leads to others liking them
- Tupperware parties are a prime compliance setting
- Being good looking (halo effect)Similarity (dress, background, education, etc.)Compliments – one of most successful car salesman ever sent hundreds of thousands of cards simply saying “I like you.”Contact and cooperationConditioning and association (dislike those with bad news)
- Separate the person from what they are selling
- Obedience to authority rarely takes conscious deliberation. Milgram shock experiment – people can do terrible things because they are simply obeying authority and not thinkingOften react only to part of a situation, not seeing the whole pictureSize and status are closely linkedTo protect yourself, remove the element of surprise as much as possibleFactors of authority
- Appearance of authority often enough (titles, clothes…). Symbol is often more powerful than substanceLarger signature linked with more important status
- Potential loss plays a huge role in our decisionsRarity leads to people valuing whatever it is higher than they otherwise wouldDeadline tactic – get people to act quickly by creating an artificial deadlinePeople hate to lose freedoms they already have
- Freedoms, once guaranteed, won’t be given up without a fightRevolutions more common after good times followed quickly by bad times
- Value banned information and more favorable to it
What I got out of it
- Fantastic book which explains the various influences which we can use (or can be used against us) to get others to agree. These influences can be used for good purposes or deceptively but they are designed to get past our rational brain and attack our automatic responses. Cialdini uses a great term, “click, whirr” to show when this automatic process is being used. Highly recommended