
Xenophon’s Cyrus the Great by Larry Hedrick

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

Key Takeaways
  1. Through real-life examples, Cyrus shows how to conduct meetings, become an expert negotiator, deal efficiently with allies, communicate by appealing to th self-interest of others, encourage the highest standards of performance, ensure that your organization has the benefit of specialists and prove that your words will be backed by your deeds.
  2. Other's loyalty comes mainly from self-interest
  3. Obedience should not be the result of compulsion
  4. Address different audiences with different emphases
  5. Give followers options, even if already know the outcome
  6. Grow and protect your reputation at every opportunity
  7. Banish emotion from your decision making
  8. Mild rebuke works better than loud indignation
  9. Be as honest with yourself as you are with others
  10. When blameworthy, humble yourself in front of critics
  11. Strengthen your composure at the moment of crisis
  12. Success should never breed complacency
  13. Honor everyone who acts honorably
  14. Riches are for sharing, not for harvesting and hiding
  15. The truly contented man is not the possessor of vast riches. The crown of happiness goes to the person who has the skill to gain money fairly, use it honorably, and not mistake gold for a god of power and light
  16. Humility in the midst of success
What I got out of it
  1. When Peter Drucker says it's the best book on leadership, you better pay attention. An extremely easy to read book that is just as relevant today as it was centuries ago and is applicable to any field that requires leadership. Must read.