
Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue by Neale Donald Walsch

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

Key Takeaways
  1. Only the highest thoughts and feelings come from God. The highest feeling contains joy, highest thought contains truth, grandest feeling is love. These three are interchangeable and of utmost importance
  2. Listen to experience above anything as this is the best way God can communicate
  3. Thankfulness is the most powerful way to be happy. Never supplicate, just be grateful
  4. A true prayer doesn't contain "necessary" requests, they are prayers of thanksgiving and the person would be completely fine if prayer answered or not
  5. God does not care about the process, what you do, but cares deeply about the outcome
  6. In truth there are only two emotions - fear and love. All human actions based on one or the other and this is the "sponsoring" thought. Make love your sponsoring thought
  7. Purpose of life - experience the fullest glory in all that you do
  8. Life is not a process of discovery but one of creation. You are creating yourself. Do not seek to find out who you are but who you want to be
  9. Nothing is bad or painful in and of itself - we think and make it that way. It is an erroneous way of thinking. Eliminate judgment of everything
  10. It is a sin is to create yourself based on the experiences of others
  11. Nothing that you see exists that wasn't first a thought
  12. No conditions are good nor bad, they just are. They are all temporary as well
  13. Go to your highest thought of yourself and imagine how you would live and how you would react to others. Now live it and eliminate things, people or thoughts which do not correspond with this vision
  14. Enlightenment is understanding that there is nowhere to go and nothing to do to get to heaven. You are already there
  15. To live life without expectation, without needing certain results is freedom, is godliness
What I got out of it
  1. An incredibly powerful book and even if you are not religious or are skeptical that Walsch truly had a dialogue with God, this book offers incredible tips on how to life a meaningful, happy and loving life.