
Blitzscaling: The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies by Reid Hoffman, Chris Yeh

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Key Takeaways

Blitzscaling: The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies by Reid Hoffman, Chris Yeh

  • Blitzscaling Overview
    • Blitzscaling will help you make better decisions where speed is the ultimate super power
    • Blitzscaling works as both offense and defense – you can catch people off guard and as if you don’t, you might not survive. You can leverage your initial competitive advantage into a long-term one before the market and competitors can respond. You can get easier access to capital as investors prefer to back market leaders allowing you to further your advantage of competitors. Blitzscaling allows you to set the playing field to your advantage
  1. McKinsey found the companies that had 60% growth when they reached $100 million in revenues are 8x more likely to reach $1 billion then those who are growing at 20% of the similar size. They have first scaler advantage. At this point, the ecosystem around this massive company recognize them as the market leader and shift their behavior to better suit them which leads to positive feedback loops
  2. Startups, just like certain materials and chemicals, go through phase changes. A dominant global leader is not simply a startup times of thousand it is a fundamentally different machine. Just as ice skates are useless on water, the same tactics used in the startup may be useless once you have achieved product market fit.
  3. The five phases of Blitzscaling: Family, tribe, village, city, nation
  4. The first step is creating a business model that can grow. This sounds elementary but it’s amazing how many startup founders miss this simple piece. You must have a business model that can scale or else it’ll break before you can reach dominance. Business model innovation is more important than most people think as technology today is not the differentiator it used to be. Most great startups are like Tesla which combine existing technologies in a unique and special way rather than like Space-X where they had to invent their own technologies 
  5. Blitzscaling is a strategic innovation and hurls much common wisdom out the window. Founders should only blitzscale when they determine that the most important factor in their company’s survival is speed into the market. It is a big bet but can pay off handsomely.
  6. The revenue model don’t have to be perfect when you do it. Your only goal is scale into a market that is winner take all or winner take most. However, not every company should blitzscale if product-market fit isn’t there or if the business model isn’t there
  7. You should blitzscale when there’s a big new opportunity, when the size of the market and gross margins overlap to create potential huge value. You should also blitzscale when there is no dominant market leader or oligopoly that controls the market 
  8. Another way to think about blitzscaling is by climbing learning curves faster than others
  9. Blitzscaling is not meant to go on forever. You should stop when growth slows, when average revenue per employee slows, when gross margins begin to climb, and other similar leading indicator show that your growth is slowing. You should also slow when you are reaching the upper bounds of a market
  10. In blitzscaling mode, raise more cash (much more cash) than you think you’ll need. Typically you should try to raise enough money for 18 to 24 months of survival. When trying to raise money nothing is more powerful than not needing it. Only spend money on things which are life or death if not solved
  11. As startups blitzscale, they have to balance responsibility with their power
  12. Try to partner with currently blitzscaling companies or companies which have blitzscaled in the past
  13. Managing Growth
    1. The role and skills needed by the CEO and top management are different for every level and size of the startup. It is never static and is always changing
    2. Business model growth factors
      1. Market size – paying customers, great distribution, fixed and expanding margins
      2. Distribution – leveraging existing networks, virality
      3. High gross margins – more revenues lead to more cash on hand which can be put to use, more attractive to investors
      4. Network effects – direct, indirect, two sided, local, compatibility and standards
    3. There are two growth limiters: product market fit and operational scalability
    4. 8 key transitions 
      1. From small teams to large teams. This can be a tough psychological change for founders and early employees as it is now impossible to be part of every decision and have clarity into every department 
      2. From generalists to specialists 
      3. From managers to executives. Executives organize and lead managers and managers execute day to day operations. Hire people who are known to at least one current team member, start them small and let them prove their value and gain other’s trust, then think about promoting them
      4. From dialogue to broadcasting. Establishing formal and consistent communication is extremely important as you grow. Chesky sends out a weekly email on Sunday nights which highlight growth metrics but also give the team updates and clarity on how the company is doing and other important topics so that everyone continues to feel involved and informed
      5. From improvisation and inspiration to data. At the beginning you have no customers to listen to but over time you have to track team metrics and analyze the data so that you can improve and adapt. Track the number of user’s raw engagement and churn to begin with and then customize and go deeper as is necessary for your product or service. No company should have more than 3 to 5 metrics as more tends to lead to confusion. It doesn’t necessarily matter what data you collect but what data gets presented to decision-makers. 
      6. From single threading to multithreading. The author doesn’t know of one start up that didn’t start out as singularly focused. They can branch out from there but it is important to have a deep focus when you’re first getting started
      7. From pirate to navy. From continuous offense to a blend of offense and defense. You must strike a balance between the power of being small and nimble and the benefits of being large and having scale. Much like JBS Haldane stipulates, you are fundamentally different when you scale. You can’t run a city the same way you run a tribe and you can’t run a nation the same way you run a city
      8. From founder to leader. Your role as the founder will change as the company scales and grows and you must adapt to it or you won’t be serving the company as it needs you to. You have to keep your personal learning curve ahead of the businesses’ growth curve. There are three ways to scale yourself: delegation, amplification, and simply getting better.
    5. Doing things which don’t scale when you’re growing quickly. It might be best to find a hack that you’ll have to throw away later than taking your time and running an elegant piece of software
    6. Ignore your customers at least at this stage in your growth. You have to provide whatever customer service you can that doesn’t slow you down – most likely this will be no customer service. However, you cannot ignore culture a strong culture is really important and is defined by consistent values and actions across the company. The executive in charge of the functional area which drives the culture of the company tends to be the natural successor to the CEO
  14. Awesome analysis on Zara the clothing retailer who uses split scaling techniques. Although it is a retailer, they use speed to their advantage and focus less on efficiency
  15. Incumbents have some natural advantages such as scale, the power and resources to continuously innovate, longevity, and mergers and acquisitions but the disadvantages include poorly aligned incentives, managerial overhang, lack of risk appetite, public pressure since they’re publicly traded, etc.
  16. A good way to gauge risk is by thinking through the knowns and the unknowns and systemic risk and non-systemic risk. Therefore, you must act immediately if there’s some big systemic risk, do something short term to solve your problem, note the problem now so that you can solve it later and let it burn (if unknown and non-systemic)
  17. Instability and change are the new norm and the only way to thrive is to know that you have to adapt faster than the change around you.  Be an infinite learner, be a first responder who is willing and able to act, veer towards industries, people, and companies that are biased towards blitzscaling as this is where the fastest and biggest growth lies
  18. Other
    1. Real value is created when innovative technologies allow for innovative products / services, with an innovative business, model to emerge
    2. It’s important to differentiate between first mover advantage and first scaler advantage. First movers often die but successful first scalers tend to achieve a very powerful position
    3. Do everything by hand until it’s too painful. Then automate it
    4. Common patterns of dominant businesses:
      1. Bits versus atoms (software/digital rather than physical)
      2. Platforms
      3. Free or freemium
      4. Marketplaces
      5. Subscriptions
      6. Digital goods
      7. Newsfeeds which drive user engagement and retention
    5. You must focus on adaptation rather than optimization
    6. You should always have a plan a Plan B and plan Z that you can fall back on in case your first option doesn’t work out and then your option in case worst case scenarios come up
    7. In the early days prioritize hiring those who can add value immediately and not the absolute perfect candidate
    8. Tolerate bad management. At the beginning it is more important to move quickly than to have perfect organization and processes in place
    9. Launch a product that embarrasses you. You don’t want to wait so long until it’s perfect want to get out and see what the market thinks of it
    10. You have to listen to your customers. Not only what they say, but you also have to know when to ignore them – must learn to blend data/intuition
    11. You have to know which fires to fight which ones to say no to and which ones you actually have some control over. Only then can you know which problems to tackle and in which order. Distribution, product, customer service, operations are some of the most important

What I got out of it

  • Blitzscaling is the pursuit of growth and speed, even in the face of uncertainty. It is a big gamble but is necessary sometimes if coming to market first, fastest, and biggest gives you a shot at owning a big market. A great playbook for anybody thinking about pursuing this strategy