
Make Meetings Matter by Charlie Hawkins

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

Key Takeaways
  1. Meeting roles (make sure everyone knows their role before the meeting)
    1. Initiator - person who calls the meeting and "owns" the problem or issue
    2. Facilitator - serves as the process leader; must remain neutral and objective; assertive but not abrasive; create a safe and trusting environment
    3. Timekeeper - assists the group by reminding them of beginning and ending times
    4. Resource people - provide input and expertise for group
    5. Participants - share information and input, make decisions and generally contribute to achieve the meeting's purpose
  2. Before the meeting
    1. Purpose - establish a clear purpose and expected outcomes for your meeting. Determine if a meeting is really necessary
    2. People - decide on the people who will attend based on whether they can help achieve the purpose. Clarify the roles of each participant
    3. Place - select the proper location, meeting space and room set-up to accomplish your purpose
    4. Preparation - Select the most important content items to be discussed, solved or decided and prepare an agenda; then, plan the process, give participants advance materials and handle logistics arrangements
  3. During the meeting
    1. Focus - reconfirm purpose, outcomes, and agenda; work the agenda to stay on track; use a timekeeper to be aware of time; record ideas, decisions and action items; make sure people read and absorb any materials sent in advance
    2. Facilitation - encouraging all participants to learn and use effective facilitation skills. Empower the facilitator to run the meeting process
    3. Feedback - observe and respond to ongoing feedback during the meeting.
    4. Fun and Fellowship - know when to use some light humor while still getting serious matters accomplished
  4. At the end and after the meeting
    1. Consensus - make clear decisions that everyone can live with and support; don't waste time on matters everyone agrees upon; beware of groupthink
    2. Closure - establish clear action steps, timetables and responsibilities (what, who and when something must be accomplished). End on time
    3. Critique and celebration - evaluate what was accomplished and the effectiveness of the process. Affirm everyone's contribution
    4. Communication - Make a permanent record of the meeting output and distribute it to participants and others. Follow up to keep project on track
    5. Meeting summary - recap of main discussions; decisions made; actions steps (what, who and when); meeting process debrief; send to appropriate people
What I got out of it
  1. What to do before, during and after meetings to get the most out of them