- Best way to understand results is to understand behavior and the internal and external influences on behavior
- Physiology - Emotion - Feeling - Thinking - Behavior - Results
- Feeling wins over thinking every time; physiology trumps emotion
- Learning how to change quality of signals in our system can help deliver brilliance every day (Enlightened Leadership)
- Best results come when you are positive and motivated
- Coherence = Flow = Stable Variability (robust)
- Physiological coherence leads to emotional coherence leads to cognitive coherence leads to behavioral coherence
- Coherent leaders - integrity, vast interpersonal flexibility (understand what makes people tick) and behavioral flexibility
- Individual people must keep evolving if organization is to improve
- 3 Stages of evolution - emergence, differentiation, integration
- Differentiation - you must be clear and specific in your plans, goals, etc.
- Must be a burning platform for change - question everything you do (eliminate if find only do it because it was done yesterday)
- 2 key stages in human development - waking up (lose dualism of power and control) and growing up (maturity)
- 6 dimensions of EQ - self-awareness, resilience, attention (internal motivation), social intuition (empathy), sensitivity to context, outlook (optimism/pessimism)
- Energy management over time management!
- Heart rate variability (HRV) very important (flexibility, antifragility) - more is better; emotional self-management, exercise (yoga) omega 3, breathing skills all help improve it
- The heart is the most powerful signal generator in the body and can even affect others (entrainment)
- Use to create physiological coherence which gives more energy
- Mind does not dominate body, there is a constant dialogue between the two; they become one (integrative medicine)
- HRV determines ability to respond to challenges
- Must schedule periods of recuperation (pair with The Way We're Working Isn't Working)
- Energy bank - the idea of keeping track of energy "deposits and withdrawals" (things which give or take energy away from you)
- Chaotic breathing leads to loss of energy
- Be dynamically responsive instead of reactive (breath = stability = entrainment)
- 12 aspects of breath - rhythmicity (steady in and out); smoothness; focus on heart; speed of breaths; pattern (ratio of in/out); volume; depth; entrainment; resistance; mechanics; flow patterns (air around body); special techniques (vipassana, buteyko)
- Mismanaged emotion often a root cause of ill health (3 E's - emotion, eat, exercise)
- Level of personal control related to health
- Not event but how you react / deal with it that matters
- Emotion is integration of all physiological signals; feeling is the awareness and recognition that signal comes from the body (observation of emotion)
- Only 2 inborn fears - falling and loud noises
- Conditioning system inaccurate because designed for survival, not sophistication
- Huge number of our decisions are based on emotion, not reason. Emotional awareness therefore greatly improves decision-making
- Challenge for men is lack of emotional awareness, for women it may be lack of control of emotions
- Emotional mastery leads to clearer thinking, better ability to learn
- Must induce an appropriate emotional state to best learn (calm, positive and motivated)
- All decisions essentially made by feelings and then justified by logic
- Thin slicing - ability to detect patterns based on narrow slices of experience
- Intuition can't be trusted without emotional coherence
- Good leaders use emotion because that's what motivates people
- Best leaders best at dealing with change
- Heart's electromagnetic field radiates up to 50 feet away! - leader's presence truly can be felt in a large room
- Negative state of mind casts chaotic energy whereas positivity casts clean and organized energy
- Enjoyment and quality of life comes from experiences, not things
- Happiness is a habit
- Only genuinely sustainable motivation is intrinsic
- The self, consciousness, and emotion evolved together and tied to each other
- Intelligence is simply awareness
- Only 2 opposing emotional states - love and fear
- Most people's emotional lexicon / palette very limited (becoming better versed and more nuanced in how you define each feeling allows you to become more self-aware
- Must be aware but also be able to label individual emotions (access and then action)
- Emotional MASTERY
- Sit comfortably and BREATHE (focus on heart)
- Simply notice what emotion exists in your body
- Label what you think best captures it
- Explore the features of the emotion in your own body - location, size, color, sound, temperature, intensity
- How does the emotion move through your body
- Does the emotion have any special features?
- Enhance habits / rituals with a positive emotion
- Landscaping - determine where in routine can get most practice per buck
- Need emotional intelligence, literacy and self-management
- Memories stored like holograms
- Coherence, BREATHE leads to perfect hologram which can make you better and more clearly recall what we know
- 10 levels of consciousness
- Shadow work - working on aspects of ourselves that are not easy to see, address and heal
- Level 6 - cease to be a victim, don't let others control your emotions, complete ownership of all aspects of self
- Level 7 - selflessness, loving empathy without criticism
- Level 9 - pre-awareness,n no observer and object, just one union; time false, space infinite and everything connected; no duality - all simply is, cease to have preferences
- Happiness truly a life of service
- 9 internal phenomena which influence thinking, behavior, etc
- Values - feeling defined by a principle
- Belief - thought powered by emotion
- Attitude - collection of values / beliefs and which influences thoughts, behavior, perspective
- Culture - collective attitude of the group
- Cognitive coherence lies in increasing perceptual awareness
- SHIFT - stop and shift attention to your heart; breathe through this area of your chest to induce positive emotion, feel it through your body; turn your brain back on and notice insights
- Enlightened leadership emerges with coherence across all critical and internal areas (physiology, emotion, cognitive, maturity, values / Behavior, networks, impact)
- The purpose of doing everything is to generate better results
- Long-term, consistent, brilliant behavior requires us to be in tune with what we think, feel and the amount of energy we have
- Must understand root causes of what leads to better performance
- Correcting behavior doesn't lead to success, only stops failure (must introduce new behaviors)
- Obsession with results has lead to a widespread erosion of humanity
- Must understand appropriate pressure needed for peak performance for self and others
- Narrow the focus and clarify as much as possible
- Early detection of underperformance crucial
- Loss of perception, self esteem, increased irritability, ill health all good indicators
- Best leaders move seamlessly through 4 quadrants - I, IT (short-term), IT (long-term), WE
- Few leaders think about how they think, their weaknesses, brand, leaderships qualities and therefore have little self-awareness
- Maturity is key to be a great leader - differentiation between knowledge and wisdom
- True leaders aim to strip away illusions and see deeper realities - able to integrate knowledge and wisdom, more holistic view, no preconceived answers, continuously try to flush out hidden assumptions
- Vision - picture of the future you're aiming for
- Ambition - how big / impactful you want to be
- Purpose - emotional statement to drive engagement and differentiate yourself
- Strategy - how to get ot vision, ambition and purpose
- Governance - process for making better, more efficient decisions and better accountability and alignment
- 12 performance enhancing behaviors
- Imagine - gathering info, forming concepts, conceptual flexing
- Involve - empathetic connecting, facilitating interaction, developing people
- Implement - being proactive, continuous improvement, building customer value
- Ignite - influencing others, building confidence, communicating clearly
- Knowing where you stand is vital
- Understanding personal purpose is vital
- Job - Career - Calling
- What would you do for free? What comes effortlessly to you?
- Appreciation and forgiveness of self and others is key
- To be the best leader you can be you must make personal connections, understand other's motives, be consistent and know how to best work with different working styles
- Ultimate goal - influence and ability to foster deep, influential relationships
- Relationships tend to fail because of either poor communication or low levels of trust
- Effective communication has two basic aspects - transmission and reception
- 3 levels of communication -what people say, what people think or feel and most deeply, what people mean
- Making others feel heard is extremely motivating
- Trust givers trust people automatically where trust earners must make others prove themselves first
- TRUST - taking responsibility for understanding other people's traits
- Internal coherence lays foundation for extraordinary performance and also to develop deeper and longer lasting relationships (ultimate prize in life
- Leaders must be able to transform their personal leadership qualities, real development and the corporate culture
- When hiring, look at what the business needs and if necessary, bring someone in and train them rather than trying to fit the role to the person
- Use MAP to get at the true meaning of what people say. Move attention to body and breathe, appreciate the speaker, play back the underlying meaning
- Watkins is the founder of Holacracy - Tony Hsieh recently implemented at Zappos
- Clarify purpose; clarify all decision making forums; define limit of authority; define reporting process, establish clear accountability; create new roles; assign new accountabilities to new roles; establish new policies or changes to existing policies; define ways of working within teams
What I got out of it
- Being self-aware is absolutely vital and focusing on the different areas (physiology, emotion, cognitive, maturity, values / Behavior, networks, impact) is key. Must be healthy before can focus on emotions, cognition...