
Serve to Win


It wasn't a new training program that took me from being a very good player to the best player in the world in just 18 months. It wasn't a new racquet, a new workout, a new coach or even a new serve that helped em lose weight, find mental focus and enjoy the best health of my life. It was a new diet. (gluten-free, low sugar, low alcohol)

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

Key Takeaways
  1. Start by eliminating gluten for two weeks. After that, eliminate the excess sugar and dairy in your diet for two weeks and notice how great you feel
  2. Must also learn to change the way you eat - sync your food with your body's needs - what it wants, when it wants. Combine the right diet with proper stress-control techniques will improve the function of your body and mind, becoming more relaxed, more focused and more in control of your life
  3. To truly accept your powerlessness is truly liberating
  4. Keep an open mind and never stop searching for a new, better way of doing things
  5. Wakes up, drinks a glass of water, stretches/yoga for twenty minutes and then eats breakfast
  6. ELISA test is the most accurate way to test for food sensitivities
  7. To be your very best in a given field, you must be well versed in many different areas - meditation, classical music, nutrition, yoga, etc.
  8. Eating the right foods not only fuels your body optimally but it makes you more patient, focused, clearer thinking and positive
  9. Keep it simple - vegetable, beans, white meat, fish, fruit
  10. Need more calcium if avoid dairy / lactose intolerant - broccoli, tuna, salmon
  11. How and when you eat are just as important as what you eat - eat slowly and consciously
  12. Drink primarily room temperature water, never ice water as that takes blood away from the muscles and to the digestive tract
  13. Before eating, give a quick "thanks" for the food you eat, don't watch TV or listen to music - just eat. Between bites, put down the fork and focus on chewing slowly
  14. Eat most of your protein at dinner
  15. Eat two TBSP of honey every day (he does manuka honey in the morning, aim for raw honey at least)
  16. Aim to eat carbs and proteins separately as eating both slows down digestion
  17. A little bit of wine is fine and drink a lot of tea (licorice tea, ginger lemon tea)
  18. Don't be afraid to accept your own truth, to change, to analyze. Put questions in perspective. Try to be objective but not skeptical. And stay positive. That energy will fill your body and literally improve your health, fitness and overall performance
  19. Meditates for 15 minutes per day  - focus on breathing, being in the moment - goal is to find calm, focus and positive energy
  20. Mindful meditation and/or yoga is helpful before bed
  21. Aim to get some natural sunlight as soon as possible after you wake up
  22. Dynamic stretching warm up (10 - 20 reps of each)
    1. Jumping Jacks
    2. Walking high knees
    3. Walking high kicks
    4. Burpees
    5. Lunge with side bend
    6. Reverse lunge with backward bend
    7. Low side to side lunge
    8. Inverted hamstring (yoga pose "T")
    9. Inchworm
  23. Yoga (30 seconds each)
    1. Rabbit (child's pose)
    2. Cat (similar to Ferriss cat vomit ab exercise)
    3. Dog (downward facing dog)
    4. Cobra
  24. You practice in order to remove possibilities and replace them with probabilities
  25. Make the changes. Enjoy the process. But don't let the changes be your goal. Let them be your gateway to bigger, better goals
What I got out of it
  1. Really interesting book on how Djokovic made one seemingly small change which helped transform him. Love his dedication to his goal

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