The Rabbit Hole by Blas Moros
Jump In. My monthly newsletter covers the books I have read over the course of the month, the challenges I undertook as well as some other interesting articles, blog posts, interviews, tools, hacks, etc.
- A Treatise on Efficacy by Francois Jullien
- The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene
- The Scientist in the Crib by Alison Gopnik
- The Master Algorithm by Pedro Domingo
- The Three Questions by Don Miguel Ruiz
- Junk to Gold by Willis Johnson
- Essays of Warren Buffett by Lawrence Cunningham
Full list of books read in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014
Any book, which is at all important, should be immediately re-read
- Machine Learning - need another month at least to get a basic understanding but it's a fascinating space
- 200 mg L-Theanine with coffee in the mornings - super sharp focus but didn't sleep well and was hot all the time. Might do every once in a while when needed but not every day.
- Alex Honnold - How I Climbed a 3,000-foot vertical cliff
- The Surprising Power of the Long Game
- Anthony Bourdain - So You Wanna be a Chef
- 2018 Code Commerce Interview with Tobi Lutke
- A Lifetime of Systems Thinking - Russell Ackoff
- Milton Erickson - first time I've heard of Erickson was through Greene's Laws of Human Nature. Erickson contracted polio when he was young and in order to keep himself busy, he attentively observed people and became a father of non-verbal cues and appreciated the creativity of the unconscious mind
- Processing Fluency - information that's easier to process is viewed positively in nearly every way (important to understand when presenting a vision or idea - making things simple to understand is difficult but has untold positive knock-on effects)
- Weightlifting is Good for your Heart (pair with Body by Science)
- Massive Crater Under Greenland
- Advice from Jack Dorsey
- There's Seldom Any Traffic on the High Road
- Kiril Sokoloff interview with Stanley Druckenmiller
- Management lessons from Tom Murphy
- Danny Meyer on stakeholder management
- Chesterton's Fence
Amor Fati Amor.
"What you dislike in another take care to correct in yourself." - Thomas Sprat
November 2018
The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.
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