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Newsletter Archive

May 2019

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

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The Rabbit Hole
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My monthly newsletter covers the books I have read over the course of the month, the challenges I undertook, and some other interesting articles, blog posts, interviews, tools, hacks, etc.   


Full list of books read in 201920182017201620152014

Any book, which is at all important, should be immediately re-read


  • None this month

Teacher's Reference Guides

  • None this month

Monthly Challenges

  • 36 Questions - an effective way to get to know someone deeply pretty quickly but, since I did it with my wife, many of the questions were a bit silly and basic. Definitely fun and worthwhile to try though - especially staring into somebody's eyes for 4 minutes


Amor Fati Amor.


"My own personal opinion is that more damage to the world comes from cognitive glitches than does from malevolence." - Charlie Munger

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