
Make Time for Creativity: Finding Space For Your Most Meaningful Work


Focusing on work-life balance leads to daily rituals which feeds intentions and goals which helps with downtime and creativity. It is a beautiful, virtuous cycle. Schedule time for your creative projects, make creativity habitual by forming positive associations with it, deepen your ocmmitment by identify what you want to create, step back to take care of yourself and get perspective on your work 

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

Key Takeaways

  1. Although I like to remain receptive and flexible when it comes to the bigger picture, I show up daily for my creative projects. I focus on a "slow and steady" approach to write for an hour or two a day. I don't fixate on how much I write during that period. I put in the time and don't worry too much about the results, because I'll be there again tomorrow. This sort of simmering has worked well for me because, practically speaking, there is only so much time I can spend on a specific project before burning out, and moving between things keeps me fresh. If I stock to one thing for too long, that's when I start checking social media or reading the news, or otherwise lose focus. I lift weights with my friend John Sharian, who works as an actor. One day he pointed out that if you stop between repetitions, it's harder to get going again because you're beginning from a dead spot. He suggested creating a rhythm. I've thought of how this relates to my creative work: I do a lot of projects at once so I can move between things with fewer stops. Exercise offers a good metaphor for creativity. You get inspired one day and go for a run. The next day you shock yourself by shaking off the hesitation and getting off the couch again. Then you keep doing it, eventually without even thinking about it. You no longer need to psych yourself out; it just happens. You made it happen, and then you keep making it happen.

What I got out of it

  1. Beautiful book with some great exercises and questions to help you figure out a system and routine to improve your creativity 

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