


Lauchengco describes the role of the product marketing manager. What is product marketing? The goal is to drive product adoption by shaping market perception through strategic marketing activities that meet business goals.

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

Key Takeaways

  1. Product marketing helps drive the adoption of a product. They translate everything one can know about the product into simple to understand benefits
  2. Connect product to broader trends
  3. Who is the market? How do you reach them? Who needs to say what for you to seem credible?
  4. 4 fundamentals
    1. Ambassador – connect customer and market insights.
    2. Strategist – direct products go to market.
    3. Storyteller – shape how the world thinks about your product.
    4. Evangelist – enable others to tell the story
  5. Positioning is how people think about you and your product and messaging reinforces this. Positioning is long term and messaging short term. Messaging needs to be CAST – clear, authentic simple, tested in the environment(s) the target audience may experience it
  6. Message your product early on based on what the user already knows
  7. Messaging should be geared to target audience. This helps you avoid trying to be all things to all people. Speak to what those people want to hear, their main pain points
  8. How does customer solve problem today? Who is most likely to buy this? Do they prioritize the problem? What is most compelling – the aha moment? How much would you expect to pay? What else have you bought around this price point? Most recent new product and why did you buy? How would you describe this to a friend or colleague? Where would you expect to see this product talked about? What would make you a raving fan?
  9. Great interview question when hiring a product marketing manager – Tell me about a company who you think is doing great marketing and why do you think that?

What I got out of it

  1. A clear, helpful guide on the role of the product marketing manager and why they’re so important

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