The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.
Key Takeaways
- Jesus was at all times all human and all divine
- Humility is the gateway to faith
- Describes and helps demystify Jesus, his actions and his interactions with other people and disciples
What I got out of it
- This was definitely an interesting read and for me really helped make many of the passages in the Bible more relatable and therefore more relevant and exciting
- Wants to answer who Jesus is from his point of view
- Ignation contemplation - putting yourself and vividly imagining to be in scenes from the Gospel
- The people on earth form the body of Jesus Christ
- Somewhat reluctantly agrees to go to Israel to do research for this book and to get to know the holy land
- Mary was a poor Jewish woman in the middle of nowhere who had great courage to accept God and bear Jesus
- When Jesus told his hometown he was the savior they were angered and he eventually had to leave his hometown
- Change often happens too slowly to see it
- Often our perceptions of others good fortune is exaggerated and of our own misfortune skewed
- Be completely honest with your desires
- If we're completely honest with ourselves we often know exactly what we need to do
- Carry your cross daily - can share issues but don't let it affect others or other parts of your life
- The saddest people are those with no tribulations
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