
The Invisible Man


An interesting read where a man is able to make himself invisible and decides to start a reign of terror. His plain is foiled by an old acquaintance and eventually he is caught and killed  

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

Key Takeaways
  1. A mysterious stranger, Griffin, at a local English inn of Iping. While staying at the inn, hundreds of strange glass bottles arrive that Griffin calls his luggage. When his landlady demands he pay his bill and quit the premises, he accidentally reveals part of his invisibility to her
  2. Griffin's furious attempt to avenge his betrayal of Marvel, his assistant, leads to him getting shot. He takes shelter in a nearby house that turns out to belong to Dr. Kemp, a former acquaintance from medical school. To Kemp, he reveals his true identity: the Invisible Man is Griffin, a former medical student who left medicine to devote himself to optics. Griffin tells Kemp how he invented medicine capable of making things invisible and that he performed the procedure on himself
  3. He heads to Iping to attempt to reverse the invisibility. But now he imagines that he can make Kemp his secret confederate, describing his plan to begin a "Reign of Terror" by using his invisibility to terrorize people
  4. Kemp has already denounced Griffin to the local authorities and is watching for help to arrive as he listens to this wild proposal. When the authorities arrive at Kemp's house, Griffin fights his way out and the next day leaves a note announcing that Kemp himself will be the first man to be killed in the "Reign of Terror". Kemp, a cool-headed character, tries to organize a plan to use himself as bait to trap the Invisible Man, but a note he sends is stolen from his servant by Griffin.
  5. Griffin shoots and injures a local policeman who comes to Kemp's aid, then breaks into Kemp's house. Kemp bolts for the town, where the local citizenry comes to his aid. Griffin is seized, assaulted, and killed by a mob. The Invisible Man's naked, battered body gradually becomes visible as he dies.
What I got out of it:
  1. A fun and interesting read. HG Wells does a great job of writing compelling science fiction

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