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Newsletter Archive

August 2018

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

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The Rabbit Hole by Blas Moros 
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My monthly newsletter covers the books I have read over the course of the month, the challenges I undertook as well as some other interesting articles, blog posts, interviews, tools, hacks, etc.   


Full list of books read in 201820172016, 2015, 2014

Any book, which is at all important, should be immediately re-read


Teacher's Reference Guides

  • Jordan Peterson Biblical Series - really enjoying these and have a couple left - will probably re-watch once I finish because there is so much depth to them...

Monthly Challenges

  • HeartMath HRV - doing just 5-10 minutes in the morning and at night in order to get into coherence and measure my heart rate variability (HRV). Definitely not a replacement for meditation but it is a great, quick way to get many of the physical benefits associated with coherence and meditation
  • Avoid lectin heavy foods (tomatoes, potatoes, legumes, beans, more) - wanted to try this after digging into Dr. Gundry's Plant Paradox. I personally didn't feel a huge difference and probably won't keep up but I definitely didn't feel worse and I know a lot of people who have felt huge differences on this protocol.


Hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Amor Fati



"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves." - Carl Jung

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