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Newsletter Archive

2020 Overview

The Rabbit Hole is written by Blas Moros. To support, sign up for the newsletter, become a patron, and/or join The Latticework. Original Design by Thilo Konzok.

Key Takeaways



This year-end newsletter is an overview of the books, essays, teacher's reference guides, and monthly challenges that I read, wrote, or undertook in 2020It continues to be tremendous fun to learn in public and I deeply appreciate the community that continues to be built around our shared interest in lifelong learning. 


Below are the books that most influenced me in 2020 - changing or refining how I think and see the world. 13 out of 85 total books read in 2020 (~15%) fell into this category. 

Full list of books read in 2020201920182017201620152014

Any book, which is at all important, should be immediately re-read


Teacher's Reference Guides

  • I compiled 4 teacher's reference guides in 2020 - On Bill GurleyOn Edward TufteOn Dee Hock, and On Chris Dixon. 4 absolutely amazing thinkers and teachers from who I have learned a lot. Of the 4, Dee Hock should be much better known than he currently is and I hope this reference guide, as well as the 7-part podcast that The Innovation Show put together, helps spread his ideas.
  • New for December is a Physics 1-pager - we're in the process of putting together 1-page summaries for the various disciplines within The Latticework. This exercise will help us distill these key ideas as much as we can and compile them into a useful and valuable teacher's reference guide.

Monthly Challenges

  • My favorite challenges from 2020 were learning how to skateboard, writing my 3-5 most important things on index cards, and the challenge from December described below... 
  • In December, my wife and I did John Gottman's 30 Days to a Better Relationship. We answered one question per night that helped spur reflection, openness, gratitude, dialogue, vulnerability, and more. Really worthwhile and probably worth doing every year (thanks, Wifey, for the idea! <3 )


Hope you had a beautiful and recharging end of 2020. 2021 is going to be a banner year!

Amor Fati Amor.


"The purpose of thinking is to let the ideas die instead of us dying." - Alfred North Whitehead

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In the Latticework, we've distilled, curated, and interconnected the 750+book summaries from The Rabbit Hole. If you're looking to make the ideas from these books actionable in your day-to-day life and join a global tribe of lifelong learners, you'll love The Latticework. Join us today.